AR Mirror

Vincent AR Mirror being used at Prudential Myanmar and Cambodia events.

Transforming Event Engagement: Prudential’s Success Story with AR Mirror

In an era where innovation and technology drive engagement, Prudential Myanmar and Prudential Cambodia have set a precedent with their creative use of the Vincent AR Mirror. This case study delves into how these branches of Prudential utilized AR games to captivate audiences, enhance brand exposure, and create memorable experiences at their events.


In the competitive landscape of financial services, standing out requires more than just excellent products and services; it demands innovative engagement strategies. Prudential Myanmar and Prudential Cambodia have exemplified this by integrating the Vincent AR Mirror into their events. This customer testimonial reveals their journey, highlighting the significant impact of this cutting-edge technology on their brand and audience interaction.

Vincent AR Mirror: A Game-Changer for Event Engagement

Understanding the Vincent AR Mirror

The Vincent AR Mirror is a state-of-the-art augmented reality (AR) device designed to create immersive and interactive experiences. By combining the physical and digital worlds, it transforms ordinary events into extraordinary ones. For Prudential, this technology offered a unique way to connect with their audience and reinforce their brand message.

Prudential Myanmar’s Innovative Approach

Prudential Myanmar first showcased the Vincent AR Mirror at the World Robot Contest 2024. This prestigious event brought together talented students from ten countries to display their remarkable robotic designs. At their experience booth, Prudential Myanmar introduced the “PRUGuardian Spirit” AR game, emphasizing the importance of protection in life.

An Engaging AR Experience

The AR game created a buzz at the event, drawing families into a digital realm where they learned about life insurance, savings, and protection solutions. This interactive approach not only entertained but also educated attendees about the critical role of Prudential Myanmar in securing a healthier and more secure future.

The Impact on Prudential Myanmar

According to Ma Hsint Sanda, Head of Marketing at Prudential Myanmar and Lao, the AR game was a resounding success. It provided a sanctuary of connection and engagement, showcasing the company’s commitment to nurturing dreams and propelling innovation. The event culminated in the presentation of the PRUProtect Innovative Award, symbolizing the resilience and potential of young minds.

Prudential Myanmar
Prudential Cambodia’s Adoption of AR Technology

Following the success in Myanmar, Prudential Cambodia adopted the AR game for their events. The Vincent AR Mirror became a central feature, captivating audiences and enhancing brand visibility.

Boosting Engagement and Interaction

Ma Zin Nwe Kyaw, Assistant Manager of Digital Marketing at Prudential Myanmar, highlighted the significant boost in engagement and user interaction. The AR game not only entertained but also created substantial brand exposure. The creativity and professionalism of the Vincent AR Mirror team ensured the game’s success, even within tight deadlines.

Creating Memorable Experiences

Prudential Cambodia’s events mirrored the success seen in Myanmar. The AR game engaged attendees, providing an entertaining and educational experience. This approach demonstrated the effectiveness of combining technology with traditional marketing strategies to create lasting impressions.

Prudential Cambodia

Feedback from Prudential Myanmar and Cambodia

Ma Zin Nwe Kyaw’s Perspective

When asked about their experience with the Vincent AR Mirror, Ma Zin Nwe Kyaw praised the team’s creativity, professionalism, and attention to detail. Despite the rush for development, the AR game exceeded their expectations, from concept creation to execution. This success story highlights the importance of innovative solutions in achieving marketing goals.

Ma Hsint Sanda’s Insights

Ma Hsint Sanda echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the profound impact of the AR game on audience engagement and brand perception. The immersive Web AR game at the World Robot Contest 2024 not only captivated the audience but also underscored the significance of protection and insurance in life.


The Vincent AR Mirror has proven to be a transformative tool for Prudential Myanmar and Prudential Cambodia. By integrating AR technology into their events, they have set a new standard for audience engagement and brand exposure. This customer testimonial showcases the power of innovative solutions in creating memorable experiences and achieving marketing success. Here is how AR Mirror for Event works.

Discover How Vincent AR Mirror Can Transform Your Events!

Experience the power of cutting-edge AR technology to boost engagement, create memorable experiences, and enhance your brand’s presence. Contact us today to explore how the Vincent AR Mirror can revolutionize your next event. Let’s set up a meeting and bring your vision to life.

Explore more about our Vincent AR Mirror here.

Revolutionizing DOOH Media with Vincentt AR Mirror

Vincentt AR Mirror by and Mekongverse is setting new standards in the world of Out-Of-Home (OOH) media. By integrating augmented reality (AR) technology with the flexibility of modern advertising infrastructure, the Vincentt AR Mirror transforms how brands connect with audiences in public spaces. No longer confined by the limitations of previous AR installations, this innovative solution offers seamless integration with existing OOH devices like LED screens and kiosks, opening new possibilities for creative and impactful campaigns.

The Evolution of AR in OOH Media

The journey of augmented reality in outdoor advertising has been one of incremental innovation. Traditionally, AR installations required extensive setup, specialized hardware, and significant investment. However, with the introduction of the Vincentt AR Mirror, these constraints are a thing of the past. This cutting-edge technology leverages advancements in software and display capabilities to deliver AR experiences that are not only immersive but also easy to deploy.

AR Pioneers: Learning from JCDecaux

JCDecaux has been at the forefront of AR in OOH media, showcasing the potential of this technology through various high-profile campaigns. Their installations have captured the imagination of audiences, providing a glimpse into the future of interactive advertising. However, these early implementations often required bespoke setups, which limited their scalability and accessibility.


Why Vincentt AR Mirror is the Future of OOH Media

Ease of Installation

One of the most significant advantages of the Vincentt AR Mirror is its ease of installation. Unlike older AR systems, which required extensive customization, the Vincentt AR Mirror can be effortlessly installed on current OOH devices. This plug-and-play capability ensures that brands can quickly and efficiently roll out AR campaigns, maximizing their impact and reach.

Versatility and Flexibility

The Vincentt AR Mirror is designed to work with a variety of OOH media formats. Whether it’s an LED billboard, a digital kiosk, or any other digital display, this AR solution adapts seamlessly. This versatility allows advertisers to leverage their existing investments in OOH infrastructure while enhancing their campaigns with cutting-edge AR technology.


By utilizing existing OOH devices, the Vincentt AR Mirror significantly reduces the costs associated with AR advertising. There is no need for additional hardware or extensive modifications, making it an economically viable option for brands of all sizes. This cost-effectiveness is particularly beneficial in today’s competitive advertising landscape, where budgets are often tight, and ROI is paramount.

Enhanced Audience Engagement

AR technology has proven to be a powerful tool for engaging audiences. The Vincentt AR Mirror takes this a step further by making AR experiences more accessible and widespread. Interactive and immersive content captures the attention of passersby, creating memorable brand interactions and driving consumer engagement to new heights.

Prudential Cambodia AR Mirror

Innovative Ideas for Vincentt AR Mirror in DOOH

Interactive Retail Displays

Retail brands can utilize the Vincentt AR Mirror to create interactive window displays. Passersby can see virtual models showcasing the latest fashion trends, view dynamic product demonstrations, or even participate in interactive games that draw them into the store. This creates a unique shopping experience that blends physical and digital realms.

Virtual Try-Ons

Beauty and fashion brands can offer virtual try-on experiences using the Vincentt AR Mirror. Consumers can see how different makeup products, hairstyles, or clothing items would look on them in real-time, displayed on digital kiosks. This not only enhances the shopping experience but also reduces the need for physical samples and fitting rooms.

Gamified Advertisements

Gamification is a powerful tool for engaging audiences. Brands can create AR-based games that users can play on public digital screens. These games can be linked to promotional offers, encouraging participation and increasing brand awareness. For example, a beverage company could create an AR game where players catch virtual bottles to win discounts.

Tourism and Local Attractions

Tourism boards and local attractions can use the Vincentt AR Mirror to provide interactive guides. Digital kiosks in tourist hotspots can display virtual tour guides that provide information about historical landmarks, directions, and local events. This enhances the visitor experience and promotes local tourism.

Public Service Announcements

Government and non-profit organizations can leverage the Vincentt AR Mirror for impactful public service announcements. Interactive AR content can educate the public about health initiatives, safety protocols, or community programs. For example, an AR installation could demonstrate CPR techniques or provide real-time air quality updates.

Live Event Enhancements

During live events, such as concerts or sports games, the Vincentt AR Mirror can provide additional layers of interaction. Fans can use AR to access behind-the-scenes content, participate in live polls, or view augmented replays. This creates a more immersive and engaging experience for attendees.

Educational Campaigns

Educational institutions and brands focused on learning can use the Vincentt AR Mirror to deliver interactive educational content. AR-enhanced billboards and kiosks can display educational videos, interactive quizzes, or 3D models that explain complex concepts in an engaging way.

How Vincentt AR Mirror Empowers Brands

Creative Freedom

The Vincentt AR Mirror opens up a world of creative possibilities for brands. With the ability to deploy AR content on existing OOH devices, advertisers can experiment with various formats and styles, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in outdoor advertising. This creative freedom fosters innovation and allows brands to stand out in a crowded market.

Data-Driven Insights

AR technology provides valuable data on audience interactions. The Vincentt AR Mirror captures insights on how users engage with the content, offering brands a deeper understanding of their audience. These data-driven insights enable more targeted and effective advertising strategies, enhancing overall campaign performance.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

By utilizing existing OOH infrastructure, the Vincentt AR Mirror promotes sustainability in advertising. There is no need for additional hardware production or installation, reducing the environmental footprint of AR campaigns. This alignment with sustainable practices is increasingly important to brands and consumers alike.

Implementing Vincentt AR Mirror in Your OOH Campaign

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  1. Assessment and Planning: Identify the OOH devices suitable for AR integration. Evaluate the technical specifications and ensure compatibility with the Vincentt AR Mirror.
  2. Content Development: Ask our studios: and Mekongverse to develop AR content tailored to your campaign objectives. This could include 3D models, animations, interactive elements, and more.
  3. Software Integration: Utilize the Vincentt AR Mirror software to integrate your content with the chosen OOH devices. The software ensures seamless playback and interaction.
  4. Deployment and Testing: Install the AR content on the selected OOH devices. Conduct thorough testing to ensure everything runs smoothly and address any technical issues.
  5. Launch and Monitor: Launch your AR campaign and monitor its performance. Use data insights to optimize and adjust the campaign as needed.

Best Practices for AR Campaigns

  1. Engaging Content: Ensure your AR content is visually appealing and interactive. The goal is to captivate and engage the audience, creating a memorable experience.
  2. Clear Messaging: Maintain a clear and concise message. Avoid cluttering the AR experience with too much information.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Design the AR experience to be intuitive and easy to navigate. Users should be able to interact with the content effortlessly.
  4. Location Optimization: Choose high-traffic locations for your AR installations. The more people see and engage with the content, the greater the campaign’s impact.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Use data insights to continuously improve your AR campaigns. Analyze user interactions and feedback to refine your content and strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions about Vincentt AR Mirror

What is Vincentt AR Mirror?
The Vincentt AR Mirror is an innovative AR solution developed by and Mekongverse, designed for seamless integration with existing OOH devices like LED screens and kiosks.

How does Vincentt AR Mirror differ from traditional AR installations?
Unlike traditional AR setups that require specialized hardware and extensive installation, the Vincentt AR Mirror can be easily installed on current OOH devices, making it more accessible and cost-effective.

Can Vincentt AR Mirror be used on any digital display?
Yes, the Vincentt AR Mirror is ersatile and can be used on various digital displays, including LED billboards and digital kiosks.

Is the Vincentt AR Mirror suitable for small businesses?
Absolutely. The cost-effective nature of the Vincentt AR Mirror makes it an excellent choice for small businesses looking to leverage AR technology in their advertising.

What are the benefits of using Vincentt AR Mirror in OOH campaigns?
The benefits include ease of installation, versatility, cost-effectiveness, enhanced audience engagement, creative freedom, and valuable data-driven insights.

How can I start using Vincentt AR Mirror for my advertising campaigns?
To start using the Vincentt AR Mirror, assess your current OOH devices, develop engaging AR content, integrate the content using the Vincentt AR Mirror software, and deploy your campaign.


The Vincentt AR Mirror by and Mekongverse is a transformative tool in the realm of OOH media. By offering seamless integration with existing digital displays, it removes the barriers previously associated with AR installations. This innovation empowers brands to create engaging, immersive, and memorable advertising campaigns that captivate audiences and drive results. As AR technology continues to evolve, the Vincentt AR Mirror stands at the forefront, leading the way towards a future where interactive and dynamic advertising is the norm.

Revolutionizing Outdoor Advertising: The Power of AR Mirrors by

In the bustling world of advertising, standing out is not just an option—it’s a necessity. (Mekongverse for Cambodia) is at the forefront of this revolution with its cutting-edge Augmented Reality (AR) mirror technology, transforming outdoor and digital signage into dynamic, interactive experiences.

Transforming Passersby into Participants

Imagine walking through a busy street or shopping center and encountering a mirror that not only reflects your image but also overlays it with vibrant, interactive digital content. This isn’t just a mirror; it’s an invitation to engage, a portal to a new kind of consumer experience. Rangoon.Tech’s AR mirrors are changing the way brands connect with audiences, making every interaction memorable and impactful.

The Magic of AR Mirrors

The magic of AR mirrors lies in their ability to overlay digital content—such as ads, product information, or interactive games—directly onto the real-world environments reflected in the mirror. This seamless integration of digital and physical realms captures the attention of even the most distracted passerby, turning mundane routines into engaging adventures.

Why AR Mirrors?

AR mirrors are not just advertising tools; they are experiential portals that transform viewers into participants, making the marketing message more impactful and memorable. Here’s why they are becoming essential in outdoor advertising:

  1. Increased Engagement: AR mirrors create highly interactive experiences that captivate audiences. By integrating real-time digital enhancements with physical environments, these installations encourage passersby to stop, interact, and engage with the advertisement, increasing the time they spend with the brand message.
  2. Enhanced Personalization: AR technology allows for personalization at scale. Individuals can see themselves integrated into the advertising content in real-time, making the experience more relevant and impactful. For instance, they might see how a fashion item looks on them or how a new hairstyle changes their appearance. This personal connection can significantly boost the advertisement’s effectiveness.
  3. Memorable Experiences: The novel and often surprising nature of AR interactions ensures that these experiences are memorable. People are more likely to remember and talk about an advertisement that has personally involved them or provided a unique experience, compared to standard passive ads.
  4. Sharable Content: AR experiences are inherently share-worthy. Users are inclined to share their unique interactions on social media, providing additional organic reach and exposure for the brand. This not only extends the life of the campaign but also multiplies its impact beyond the physical location of the OOH installation.
  5. Data Collection and Insights: AR-enabled installations can collect valuable data on user interactions, preferences, and behaviors. This data can help marketers understand what attracts attention, which elements engage users the most, and how people generally respond to their campaigns. These insights can be used to refine marketing strategies and improve future campaigns.
  6. Versatility and Scalability: AR mirrors can be adapted for various types of content and can be installed in numerous environments such as shopping malls, transport hubs, and city squares. This versatility makes it easy to scale campaigns across different locations and target demographics.
  7. Improved Brand Perception: By leveraging cutting-edge AR technology, brands can position themselves as innovative and forward-thinking. This helps improve brand perception, particularly among tech-savvy and younger demographics who value innovation and digital engagement.
  8. Sustainable Options: Digital AR displays can be updated remotely without the need for physical replacements or printing new materials. This can make AR a more sustainable option than traditional OOH advertising methods.

How to Use AR Mirrors in Digital Signage

Incorporating AR mirrors into digital signage is straightforward but requires thoughtful implementation:

  1. Location Selection: Choose high-traffic areas such as shopping malls, busy streets, or public squares where digital interactions naturally occur.
  2. Content Design: Develop interactive content that can change based on the audience in front of the mirror, such as changing colors, adding virtual try-ons, or interactive games related to the product.
  3. Integration: Seamlessly integrate AR mirrors with existing digital signage systems, ensuring they are both operationally compatible and aesthetically coherent.

Key Features of AR Mirrors in Digital Signage

  • Virtual Try-Ons and Makeup Simulation: Allow consumers to see how products look on them without physical trial.
  • Facial and Gesture Recognition: Enhance interactions by responding to user expressions and movements.
  • Dynamic Content: Adjust the content based on external factors like weather or the audience in front of the screen.
  • Social Media Integration: Enable users to share their AR experiences online directly from the mirror.
  • Interactive Games and Background Replacement: Provide entertainment while subtly integrating brand messages.

Real-World Use Cases: The Pepsi Max “Unbelievable” Campaign

Perhaps the most iconic example of AR in OOH advertising is the Pepsi Max “Unbelievable” campaign. A bus shelter in London was equipped with a digital screen that overlaid unexpected scenes onto the real street behind it, such as an alien invasion, a robot attack, and a loose tiger. This campaign not only drew attention but also went viral online, significantly boosting the brand’s visibility and consumer engagement.


  • The primary goal was to create a memorable, engaging experience that would not only surprise and entertain people but also virally promote Pepsi Max through social shares and media coverage.


  • The campaign was highly successful, generating significant buzz on social media.
  • Videos of the bus shelter in action went viral, garnering millions of views on YouTube and other social media platforms.
  • The campaign effectively demonstrated the brand’s focus on creating fun and unexpected experiences, aligning with Pepsi Max’s brand message of living life to the max.

AR mirrors are reshaping the landscape of outdoor advertising. By offering a blend of interaction, personalization, and entertainment, they provide a compelling way for brands to create deeper connections with their audience. As technology advances and becomes more accessible, we can expect to see AR mirrors become a staple in OOH advertising strategies. Engage your audience in an unforgettable way with AR mirrors and watch your brand’s impact grow.

Amplify Your Brand Activation Events with AR Mirror Experiences

In the realm of brand activation events, captivating audiences and leaving a lasting impression is key to driving brand engagement and loyalty. One innovative tool that has revolutionized the event industry is augmented reality (AR) mirrors. These cutting-edge devices combine the physical and digital worlds to create immersive and interactive experiences that captivate attendees and elevate brand activations to new heights. In this blog, we’ll explore how AR mirrors can be used as a powerful tool for brand activation events, driving engagement, and creating unforgettable experiences for attendees.

1. Virtual Try-On Experiences:
One of the most popular use cases for AR mirrors at brand activation events is virtual try-on experiences. Whether it’s cosmetics, apparel, accessories, or even eyewear, attendees can use AR mirrors to virtually try on products in real-time. Brands can customize the virtual try-on experiences to showcase their latest products, allowing attendees to experiment with different styles, colors, and looks. This not only enhances the shopping experience but also drives product awareness and sales.

Real-World Example: Sephora Virtual Artist
Sephora, a leading beauty retailer, launched the Sephora Virtual Artist, an AR mirror experience that allows customers to virtually try on makeup products. By simply standing in front of the AR mirror, customers can experiment with different shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, and blush, helping them discover new products and makeup looks. This innovative virtual try-on experience has not only enhanced the in-store shopping experience but also increased customer engagement and satisfaction.

2. Branded Photo Opportunities:
AR mirrors offer endless possibilities for creating branded photo opportunities that encourage social sharing and amplify brand reach. Attendees can use AR mirrors to take photos with virtual props, overlays, and filters that reflect the brand’s identity and messaging. Brands can incorporate custom branding elements, such as logos, slogans, and hashtags, to ensure that every photo shared on social media becomes a powerful marketing asset.

Real-World Example: Coca-Cola AR Photo Booth Coca-Cola created an AR photo booth experience at a music festival, where attendees could take photos with virtual Coca-Cola bottles and branded overlays. The AR mirror allowed attendees to personalize their photos with custom backgrounds, animations, and filters, creating shareable moments that amplified brand visibility on social media. This branded photo opportunity not only engaged festival-goers but also extended Coca-Cola’s reach to a wider audience online.

3. Gamified Experiences: Gamification is another effective strategy for engaging attendees at brand activation events, and AR mirrors provide the perfect platform for creating immersive and interactive games and challenges. Brands can develop gamified experiences that encourage attendees to compete against each other or work together to achieve a common goal. Whether it’s a scavenger hunt, trivia quiz, or interactive storytelling experience, gamified AR activations create memorable and engaging experiences that drive brand interaction and loyalty.

Real-World Example: Adidas Tango League AR Challenge Adidas hosted an AR challenge at the Tango League soccer event, where attendees could participate in a virtual penalty shootout using AR mirrors. Players used their smartphones to interact with virtual soccer balls and score goals against virtual goalkeepers, competing for prizes and bragging rights. This gamified AR experience not only drove engagement and excitement among participants but also strengthened Adidas’ connection with the soccer community.

4.Data Collection and Analytics: Beyond the immediate engagement and excitement generated by AR mirrors at brand activation events, they also offer valuable insights and data collection opportunities for brands. By tracking user interactions and behaviors, brands can gain valuable insights into attendee preferences, demographics, and engagement metrics. This data can inform future marketing strategies, product development initiatives, and event planning efforts, allowing brands to optimize their activations for maximum impact and ROI.

Real-World Example: L’Oréal AR Mirror Insights
L’Oréal leveraged AR mirrors to collect valuable insights and data during brand activation events. By tracking user interactions and preferences, L’Oréal gained valuable insights into customer demographics, product preferences, and engagement metrics. This data informed their marketing strategies, product development initiatives, and event planning efforts, allowing them to optimize future activations for maximum impact and ROI.

AR mirrors offer endless possibilities for enhancing events and brand activations, from virtual dress-up stations and interactive product demos to gamified experiences and personalized photo filters. By incorporating AR technology into event activations, brands can create immersive, engaging, and memorable experiences that resonate with attendees long after the event is over. Whether you’re planning a corporate conference, trade show booth, or product launch event, consider leveraging AR mirrors to elevate your next event and leave a lasting impression on attendees.

Elevate Your Brand with AR Mirrors: Unlocking the Power of Immersive Experiences

In today’s digital age, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage with their audience and create memorable experiences. One such innovation that has been gaining traction across various industries is Augmented Reality (AR) mirrors. These cutting-edge devices blend the physical and digital worlds, offering immersive and interactive experiences that captivate audiences and drive brand engagement. Let’s explore how brands can leverage AR mirrors across different business use cases to enhance their customer experiences and stand out from the competition.

What is AR Mirror and Why Brands Need It?

AR mirrors combine the reflective surface of a traditional mirror with augmented reality technology, overlaying digital content onto the user’s reflection in real-time. This creates a dynamic and immersive experience that blurs the lines between the physical and digital worlds. Brands need AR mirrors because they offer a unique opportunity to engage with consumers in a highly interactive and memorable way. By providing personalized experiences and leveraging the power of AR technology, brands can create a deeper connection with their audience and differentiate themselves in a crowded market.

AR Mirror for Events: Elevating Engagement

Events provide a unique opportunity for brands to conn ect with their audience in a face-to-face setting. AR mirrors can take event experiences to the next level by offering interactive overlays that enhance engagement and leave a lasting impression.

AR Mirrors aren’t just for trying on clothes – they’re portals to immersive experiences that bring beloved characters and worlds to life. At a recent Comic-Con event, The Walt Disney Studios and Snap Inc. teamed up to create an AR Mirror experience for promoting Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Fans had the opportunity to jump into the movie world, strike poses, and snap pics with Rocket and Groot, beloved characters from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. This interactive experience not only delighted attendees but also generated buzz and excitement around the upcoming movie release.

AR Mirror for Event

AR Mirror for Retail: Personalizing the Shopping Experience

In the retail landscape, providing a personalized shopping experience is key to driving customer satisfaction and loyalty. AR mirrors enable brands to offer virtual try-on experiences, allowing customers to visualize products in real-time before making a purchase. For instance, Sephora’s Virtual Artist AR mirror allows customers to try on different makeup looks virtually, helping them find the perfect products for their skin tone and style preferences. By integrating AR mirrors into their stores, brands can create an immersive shopping environment that enhances the overall customer experience and drives sales.

AR Mirror for Retail

AR Mirror for Out-of-Home (OOH) Advertising: Making an Impact

ut-of-home advertising plays a crucial role in reaching audiences on the go. AR mirrors can transform static signage into dynamic, interactive displays that capture audience attention and deliver targeted messages in real-time. For example, PepsiCo’s “Unbelievable” campaign used AR mirrors installed in bus shelters to create immersive experiences for passersby, such as virtual alien invasions and giant robots. By incorporating AR technology into OOH campaigns, brands can create memorable experiences that drive engagement and deliver measurable results, ultimately enhancing their brand visibility and impact.

AR Mirror for OOH Advertising

AR mirrors offer endless possibilities for brands to engage with their audience and create unforgettable experiences across various business use cases. Whether it’s enhancing event engagement, personalizing the shopping experience in retail, or making a splash with OOH advertising, AR mirrors are revolutionizing the way brands connect with their customers. By embracing this innovative technology and leveraging real-world examples, brands can elevate their brand presence, drive customer engagement, and stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape.

With our AR Mirror Software, brands can easily integrate AR Mirror on their displays without the need for any specific hardware. By leveraging our technology, brands will unlock a myriad of benefits:

  • Run on Web: Our AR mirrors run seamlessly on web platforms, ensuring accessibility and ease of integration across devices.
  • Scalability: No specific camera needed, ensuring scalability and compatibility with existing hardware infrastructure.
  • Customized Effects: Tailored AR effects provide unique, brand-centric experiences for users, enhancing brand affinity and memorability.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your brand with immersive AR experiences. Contact us today to learn more about how our AR Mirror Software can transform your customer engagement strategies!