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The Game Play of Guardian Spirit Prudential Game

How We Helped Prudential Achieve Their Goals with AR

How We Helped Prudential Achieve Their Goals with AR


In the evolving digital landscape, businesses seek innovative methods to engage their audience and reinforce brand awareness. Prudential Myanmar and Cambodia turned to Rangoon.tech to create a web-based AR game that would educate and captivate their audience during a roadshow. This case study delves into our journey with Prudential, the challenges we overcame, the AR game we developed, and the remarkable outcomes of the project.

The Challenge

Prudential aimed to achieve several objectives with this project:

  • Increase brand awareness and engagement during their roadshow events.
  • Educate their audience on financial products and services in an engaging manner.
  • Collect user data for future marketing efforts.

The primary challenges included:

  • Designing an engaging, educational AR game that would appeal to a diverse audience.
  • Implementing advanced AR technologies like face and hand tracking.
  • Ensuring a quick development turnaround within a tight two to three-week timeline.
The User Journey of Guardian Spirit Prudential Game

Our Solution

To meet these objectives and address the challenges, we developed a web-based AR game with the following features:

  1. Interactive Gameplay: Users could interact with the game using face and hand tracking, making the experience highly engaging. Facial expressions were also incorporated, allowing users to take fun photos during gameplay.

  2. Photo Capture and QR Code Integration: After playing the game, users could capture photos of themselves interacting with the AR elements. These photos could be accessed by scanning a QR code, which led to a form page. Users needed to fill out this form before downloading their photos, helping Prudential collect valuable user data.

  3. Educational Content: The game included various interactive elements that educated players about Prudential’s financial products and services, blending entertainment with informative content.

  4. Seamless User Experience: We ensured the game was accessible via web browsers, requiring no additional app downloads, thus providing a seamless and convenient user experience.

The Game Play of Guardian Spirit Prudential Game
The Game Play of Guardian Spirit Prudential Game

Implementation and Execution

The implementation process involved several crucial steps:

  1. Rapid Development: Given the tight deadline, our team worked diligently to design, develop, and test the AR game within the two to three-week timeframe. Our agile approach and effective project management were key to meeting the deadline.

  2. Collaborative Effort: We maintained close communication with Prudential’s team throughout the project, ensuring that our solutions aligned with their brand guidelines and expectations.

  3. Advanced AR Technologies: Utilizing our proprietary AR engine, we integrated advanced face and hand tracking technologies to create an immersive and interactive experience.

  4. User Data Collection: The integration of QR codes and form submissions not only enhanced the user experience but also enabled Prudential to collect valuable data for future marketing efforts.


The AR game delivered outstanding results for Prudential:

  • Increased Engagement: The interactive nature of the game resulted in high user engagement during the roadshow events, with attendees spending more time interacting with Prudential’s brand.
  • Data Collection: The form submission process allowed Prudential to gather crucial user data, which can be used for targeted marketing campaigns in the future.
  • Enhanced Brand Awareness: The game effectively communicated Prudential’s brand message, contributing to increased brand recognition and awareness among the audience.
External Photos and Analytics of Guardian Spirit of Prudential Myanmar by rangoon.tech

Testimonial from Prudential’s Digital Marketing Manager

We received valuable feedback from Prudential’s Digital Marketing Manager, who shared their experience working with us:

Q: What did you like most about our service?
A: “Team’s creativity, professionalism, and attention to detail ensured that our AR game exceeded our expectations. We are a bit satisfied with the results from concept creation to execution.”

Q: How has our service benefited your business or project?
A: “We’ve seen a significant boost in engagement and user interaction. It’s not just about entertaining our audience; it’s about creating brand exposure as well.

"It was great working with Rangoon.tech. Actually, we were a bit in a rush for the timeline. We only had like two or three weeks to develop the game, which was a last-minute idea for event engagement. However, the team's creativity, professionalism, and attention to detail ensured that our AR game exceeded our expectations. We are a bit satisfied with the results from concept creation to execution."

Key Takeaways


Our collaboration with Prudential Myanmar and Cambodia highlights the potential of AR in creating engaging and educational experiences that resonate with audiences. The success of this project underscores our commitment to delivering innovative solutions that meet our clients’ needs. At Rangoon.tech, we’re excited to continue pushing the boundaries of AR technology and look forward to helping more clients achieve their marketing goals.

AR In Digital Marketing

Elevating Digital Marketing with Augmented Reality: Engaging Customers in New Dimensions 2024

1. Product Visualization in Real-World Settings

One of the most significant advantages of AR is its ability to provide customers with a realistic visualization of products within their environment. AR-enabled mobile apps can superimpose 3D models of furniture, electronics, or home decor items onto a live view of a user’s home, allowing customers to see how products will look and fit in their space. This immersive experience helps alleviate the uncertainty often associated with online shopping, leading to more confident purchasing decisions.

2. Virtual Try-On for Beauty and Fashion

The fashion and beauty industries are leveraging AR to offer virtual try-on experiences. Customers can use AR apps to see how clothes, accessories, or makeup products will look on them without physically trying them on. For instance, cosmetics brands provide AR-powered makeup try-on features that enable users to experiment with different shades and styles, creating a personalized and engaging shopping experience. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also reduces return rates.

3. Interactive Print and Packaging with Digital Overlays

AR can bring traditional print and packaging to life with digital overlays. By scanning a product package or a printed ad with their smartphone, customers can access interactive content such as videos, animations, or detailed product information. This integration of digital elements with physical media enhances the storytelling potential of marketing campaigns and provides customers with a richer and more informative experience.

4. Gamification to Engage and Reward Customers

Gamification, powered by AR, can significantly boost customer engagement by making shopping experiences fun and interactive. Retail brands can create AR-based scavenger hunts or challenges that encourage customers to explore their stores or products. For example, a brand might hide virtual tokens around a store, rewarding customers who find them with discounts or special offers. This playful approach not only attracts customers but also keeps them engaged and encourages repeat visits.

5. Location-Based Marketing with AR Experiences

AR can enhance location-based marketing by offering unique experiences tied to specific places. Brands can create AR experiences that activate when customers are near a particular location, such as a store, a landmark, or an event. These experiences can include virtual tours, historical information, or special promotions, providing customers with relevant and context-aware content that enriches their visit.

6. Instructional Content for Product Usage and Assembly

AR can serve as a valuable tool for providing instructional content. Customers can use AR apps to view step-by-step guides overlaid onto real-world objects, making it easier to understand product usage or assembly instructions. This interactive approach helps reduce confusion and frustration, enhancing the overall customer experience and satisfaction with the product.

7. Brand Storytelling through Immersive AR Narratives

Storytelling is a powerful way to connect with customers, and AR takes it to the next level by creating immersive narratives. Brands can develop AR experiences that tell their story in an engaging and interactive manner. For example, an AR app might take users on a virtual journey through the brand’s history, showcasing key milestones and achievements. This deepens the emotional connection between the brand and its customers, fostering loyalty and trust.

8. Branded Filters and Lenses on Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are prime venues for AR marketing, particularly through branded filters and lenses. These AR features allow users to overlay fun and interactive elements onto their photos and videos. Brands can create custom filters that promote their products or campaigns, encouraging users to share their experiences with their social networks. This not only increases brand visibility but also leverages user-generated content to reach a wider audience.

Rangoon.Tech Augmented Reality Solutions

Welcome to rangoon.tech AR Studio: Pioneering AR Innovations beyond Myanmar

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At rangoon.tech , we are passionate about transforming the digital landscape through cutting-edge Augmented Reality (AR) solutions. Our mission is to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds, creating immersive experiences that captivate and engage audiences across various industries.

Our Journey

Founded by a team of AR enthusiasts and tech innovators, rangoon.tech has grown into a leading AR solutions provider in the Mekong region. Our journey began with a simple vision: to make AR accessible and impactful for businesses of all sizes. Over the years, we’ve collaborated with numerous clients, helping them leverage AR to enhance their marketing, retail, education, and entertainment sectors.

What we offer

At rangoon.tech, we specialize in a wide range of AR solutions, including:

  1. Social AR Filters: Engage your audience with fun and interactive filters for social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
  2. WebAR: Experience AR directly through web browsers without the need for additional apps.
  3. Spatial AR: Transform physical spaces with immersive AR installations for events, museums, and retail environments.
  4. XR (Extended Reality): Combine AR with Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) to create comprehensive XR experiences.

Social AR Marketing
Milo Breakfast AR Game

Objective:  Boost brand loyalty among the youth.

Campaign: Milo ran an AR game that encouraged users to participate in a breakfast-themed contest. The campaign resulted in significant engagement, with thousands of participants sharing their experiences on social media.

Nescafe Thadingyut AR

Objective: Increase sales during the Thadingyut festival.

Campaign: Nescafe integrated AR filters with product packaging, encouraging consumers to scan QR codes and activate AR experiences. This campaign successfully drove product sales and enhanced brand visibility.

WWF Animal Conservation AR Game

Objective:  Raise awareness about animal conservation.

Campaign: WWF used an AR game to educate users about conservation efforts. The interactive game engaged users, making the conservation message more impactful.

WEB AR Campaign
Yoma Bank

Objective:  Educate customers about scam awareness.

Campaign: Yoma Bank launched a Web AR campaign featuring a quiz designed to educate customers about scams. This interactive approach increased customer awareness and provided valuable information on how to avoid scams, making banking safer and more secure.

AR Mirror Solutions

Objective: Enhance customer engagement with interactive product showcases.

Campaign: Samsung launched an AR mirror game in launch event that featured their latest products. Customers interacted with the game, which was themed around Samsung products, creating an engaging and memorable in-store experience


Objective: Increase brand visibility and customer interaction.

Campaign: Foodpanda implemented AR mirrors at various events to create fun and engaging AR content for attendees. This approach significantly boosted brand visibility and customer engagement.


Objective: Foster deeper connections with customers.

Campaign: Prudential Cambodia employed AR mirrors to create personalized AR experiences for their customers. This initiative helped in building stronger relationships and generate leads for their CRM.

How we work

Our process is simple yet profound:

  • Listen: We start with your vision.
  • Create: We bring that vision to life with cutting-edge tech.
  • Support: We ensure your AR experience is flawless from start to finish.

Our Impact

From retail to education, our AR solutions have revolutionized how businesses connect with their audiences. Imagine trying on clothes virtually or transforming a classroom with interactive learning – that’s the power of AR.

Impact of AR in Retails, Events and Advertising Industry

Let's Work Together

Ready to transform your reality? Let’s create something extraordinary together. Follow us on LinkedInInstagramFacebook, and TikTok for the latest innovations. Visit our website or contact us at [email protected] to start your AR journey.

Experience the future with RTX Studio. Because reality should never be ordinary.

Mastering Experiential Marketing: Engage, Excite, Convert

In today’s fast-paced and digitally-driven world, traditional marketing tactics are no longer enough to captivate consumers and drive meaningful engagement. Enter experiential marketing – a dynamic approach that immerses audiences in memorable brand experiences, forging deeper connections and driving conversions. In this blog, we’ll explore the essence of experiential marketing, why brands need it, key strategies to implement, and real-world examples that showcase its power.

What is Experiential Marketing?

Experiential marketing is all about creating immersive and interactive brand experiences that captivate and engage consumers on a deeper level. Unlike traditional advertising, which relies on passive consumption, experiential marketing invites audiences to participate actively, fostering emotional connections and lasting impressions. From event activations to guerrilla campaigns, experiential marketing seeks to create moments that resonate with consumers and drive desired actions.

Why Brands Need Experiential Marketing

  1. Deeper Engagement: Experiential marketing allows brands to engage audiences in meaningful ways, fostering deeper connections and brand loyalty.
  2. Memorable Experiences: By creating memorable brand experiences, experiential marketing leaves a lasting impression on consumers, driving recall and recognition.
  3. Driving Conversions: Through immersive experiences and interactive activations, experiential marketing can drive conversions and sales, ultimately impacting the bottom line.

Experiential Marketing Strategies

  1. Event Marketing: Events provide a platform for immersive brand experiences, from product launches to pop-up activations. By creating awareness and anticipation, brands can attract attendees and drive engagement. For example, Nike’s immersive running events engage participants in unique experiences, from urban races to virtual challenges, driving brand loyalty and community engagement.
  2. Guerilla Marketing Campaigns: Unconventional and surprising, guerrilla marketing campaigns capture attention through unexpected means, sparking curiosity and driving interaction. For example, IKEA’s “Random Acts of Furniture” surprises commuters with pop-up living rooms at bus stops, showcasing IKEA products in unexpected settings and sparking conversation.
  3. Pop-Up Shops: Temporary retail experiences allow brands to showcase products, engage with customers, and drive sales in a dynamic environment. Limited edition products and exclusive experiences can generate excitement and attract crowds. For example, Glossier’s temporary beauty pop-ups offer customers an immersive brand experience, from interactive installations to personalized consultations, driving sales and brand advocacy.
  4. Brand Activation: Personalized and engaging, brand activations bring brands to life in meaningful ways, fostering connections and positive associations. For example, Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign connects with consumers on a personal level, allowing them to customize their own Coke bottles and share them with friends, driving brand affinity and social sharing.

How to Plan Experiential Marketing:

  1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline the goals and objectives of your experiential marketing campaign, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or fostering customer loyalty.
  2. Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience’s interests, preferences, and behaviors to tailor the experience to resonate with them effectively.
  3. Choose the Right Elements: Select elements that will create an immersive and memorable experience for your audience. Consider incorporating AR and VR technology to add an extra layer of interactivity and engagement.
  4. Create Compelling Content: Develop engaging content that brings your brand story to life and aligns with the overall theme and objectives of the campaign.
  5. Promote Across Channels: Utilize various marketing channels to promote your experiential marketing campaign and generate excitement and anticipation among your target audience.

Elements for Experiential Marketing (Available at rangoon.tech):

  1. Virtual Reality (VR) Booth or Game: Offer visitors a simulated product demo or immersive gamified experience that showcases your product benefits in a captivating way.
  2. Augmented Reality (AR) Photo Booth: Allow attendees to use AR filters and props to take and share fun, creative photos on social media, amplifying brand reach and engagement.
  3. AR Games: Incorporate AR games on screens that encourage visitors to interact with the brand through physical movement, earning rewards and prizes along the way.
  4. Interactive Installations: Include interactive displays, games, and workshops that enable attendees to get hands-on with your brand and learn more about your products or services in an engaging manner.

Real-World Examples:

  1. Virtual Reality Booth:
    • Example: Volvo Reality – Volvo Cars created an immersive virtual reality experience at auto shows where visitors could take a virtual test drive in their latest models. The VR booth allowed attendees to experience the features and benefits of Volvo vehicles in a simulated environment, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the brand.
  2. AR Photo Booth:
    • Example: Coca-Cola Happiness Machine – Coca-Cola installed interactive AR photo booths at various events and locations, allowing users to take photos with virtual Coca-Cola characters and props. The AR photo booth experience encouraged users to share their photos on social media, spreading brand awareness and fostering positive brand associations.
  3. AR Games on Large Screens:
    • Example: Adidas Tango League – Adidas created an interactive AR soccer game displayed on large screens at events and public spaces. Using motion detection technology, participants could control virtual soccer players with their movements, engaging in a fun and immersive gaming experience. The AR game attracted crowds and generated buzz around Adidas and its soccer-related products.
  4. Live Projection Mapping Display:
    • Example: Nike Air Max Day – Nike used projection mapping technology to create an immersive visual experience at their Air Max Day event. Attendees could interact with the projection-mapped displays using their smartphones, controlling the visuals and experiencing the evolution of Nike’s iconic Air Max sneakers in a dynamic and engaging way.
  5. Touchscreen or Voice-Activated Games:
    • Example: McDonald’s Monopoly Game – McDonald’s launched a touchscreen-based Monopoly game in their restaurants, allowing customers to play and win prizes by collecting virtual Monopoly pieces. The interactive touchscreen game incentivized repeat visits and increased sales while providing a fun and engaging experience for customers.

Experiential marketing is more than just a trend – it’s a powerful strategy for engaging consumers, driving brand loyalty, and ultimately, driving business growth. By embracing immersive experiences, interactive activations, and meaningful connections, brands can create moments that resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impression. So, what’s your next experiential marketing masterpiece? It’s time to engage, excite, and convert like never before.

Navigating the Cookie-less World: The Importance of Lead Generation and Innovative Strategies

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the impending demise of third-party cookies has left marketers facing a significant challenge: how to effectively generate leads and drive conversions in a cookie-less world. As traditional tracking methods become obsolete, brands must adapt and embrace innovative strategies to capture and nurture leads. Let’s delve into why leads are more important than ever and explore creative tactics for running successful lead-generation campaigns.

Embracing the Cookieless Future

1. Focus on First-Party Data: With the decline of third-party cookies, prioritize building and leveraging first-party data collected directly from your audience. Encourage users to opt into data collection through transparent and value-driven interactions, such as personalized recommendations or exclusive content offerings.

2. Implement Consent Management: Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations by implementing robust consent management solutions. Provide clear and granular options for users to control their data preferences, building trust and transparency in your brand’s data practices.

3. Explore Contextual Targeting: Shift towards contextual advertising strategies that target users based on the content they engage with rather than their browsing history. Contextual targeting allows you to deliver relevant ads in alignment with the user’s current interests and behavior, without relying on cookies.

4. Invest in Customer Relationships: Focus on building meaningful relationships with your audience through personalized experiences and authentic interactions. Leverage CRM platforms to centralize customer data and deliver tailored messaging across channels, driving engagement and loyalty.

The Importance of Leads in a Cookie-less World

1. Personalized Marketing: With the loss of third-party cookies, personalized advertising will become more challenging. Generating leads allows brands to collect first-party data directly from consumers, enabling personalized marketing efforts tailored to individual preferences and behaviors.

2. Building Relationships: Leads represent potential customers who have expressed interest in your brand or product. By nurturing these leads through targeted communication and engagement, brands can build meaningful relationships, foster trust, and ultimately drive conversions.

3. Data Ownership: Relying solely on third-party data poses risks in terms of data privacy regulations and limitations imposed by platform changes. Generating leads allows brands to own and control their data, reducing dependency on external sources and mitigating compliance concerns.

Lead Generation Strategies for the Cookieless World

1. Gamification: Engage your audience with interactive games that offer rewards or incentives for participation. Browser-based games and AR filter games can captivate users’ attention, encourage interaction, and collect valuable lead information in a fun and engaging manner.

2. Contests and Giveaways: Host contests or giveaways that require users to submit their contact information for entry. Offer enticing prizes or exclusive offers to incentivize participation and drive lead generation.

3. Interactive Content: Create interactive content such as quizzes, assessments, or calculators that provide value to users while capturing their contact information. Interactive content drives engagement and encourages users to actively participate, making it an effective lead-generation tool.

4. Social Media Campaigns: Leverage social media platforms to reach and engage your target audience. Run lead-generation ads with compelling visuals and messaging, directing users to dedicated landing pages where they can provide their contact information in exchange for valuable content or offers.

5. Email Marketing: Nurture leads through targeted email marketing campaigns that deliver valuable content, promotions, and personalized recommendations. Use segmentation and automation to deliver relevant messaging based on user interests and behavior.

6. Marketing Automation: Implement marketing automation tools to streamline lead-nurturing processes and deliver personalized content at scale. Segment leads based on their interests and behaviors to deliver targeted messaging that resonates with each individual.

Following are examples of Lead Generation Campaigns developed by rangoon.tech.

1. AR Game – Milo

Milo launched an AR game campaign aimed at boosting engagement from fans and increasing brand recall. By leveraging an AR effect, users were encouraged to participate in innovative contest campaigns, driving user-generated content and interaction. Gamification played a key role in enhancing engagement, with users needing to submit their results through photos to participate. The AR game boasted an impressive 6000 times open rate and 1400 times capture rate, highlighting its effectiveness in capturing audience attention and fostering brand interaction.

2. UGC Microsite – Nescafe

Nescafe celebrated Christmas and the 2023 New Year with a wish letter campaign designed to engage audiences and drive lead generation. They launched a microsite that enabled audiences to write wishes and share them with their loved ones. By providing a platform for users to create and share personalized content, Nescafe successfully generated leads while fostering meaningful connections with their audience.

3. Browser Game – Kirin Ichiban

Kirin, known for its experience-driven approach, sought to captivate and engage its audience while promoting their Kirin Ichiban product. The primary objective of the campaign was to boost engagement from fans, create a fun and interactive experience, and ultimately drive lead generation. The campaign kicked off with the creation of an interactive browser game, accessible across various platforms.

In conclusion, lead generation remains crucial in today’s cookie-less world, providing brands with valuable opportunities to engage with their audience, build relationships, and drive conversions. By leveraging innovative tactics such as gamification, contests, and AR filter games, and utilizing the right tools and technologies, brands can adapt to the changing landscape and thrive in a cookie-less environment.

Elevate Your Product Launch Campaigns with Augmented Reality: A Fusion of Innovation by Rangoon.tech and Mekongverse

In today’s digital age, where attention is the most valuable currency, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate their audience during product launches. Enter augmented reality (AR), a revolutionary technology that has the power to transform traditional marketing campaigns into immersive brand experiences. Leading the charge in this frontier of innovation are Rangoon.tech from Myanmar and Mekongverse from Cambodia, two AR companies spearheading a new era of marketing creativity.

The Power of AR in Product Launch Campaigns

Product launches are pivotal moments for brands, marking the introduction of new offerings to the market. However, breaking through the noise and making a lasting impression amidst fierce competition can be challenging. This is where AR comes into play, offering a dynamic solution to engage consumers like never before.

AR technology seamlessly blends the digital and physical worlds, allowing brands to overlay interactive digital content onto the real environment. Whether it’s unveiling a new product, showcasing its features, or offering immersive experiences, AR adds an extra dimension to product launches, making them more memorable and impactful.

Crafting Viral Campaigns with AR

In the age of social media virality, brands understand the importance of creating campaigns that resonate deeply with their target audience. AR provides the perfect canvas for crafting viral-worthy experiences that capture attention and drive engagement.

Rangoon.tech and Mekongverse specialize in developing AR experiences tailored to meet the unique needs of brands. From interactive 3D product demonstrations to gamified experiences and virtual try-ons, the possibilities are endless. By leveraging AR, brands can create shareable moments that ignite conversations, spark curiosity, and amplify brand reach across digital channels.

Case Studies: Bringing Brands to Life with AR and 3D Experience

Let’s delve into some inspiring examples of how brands have leveraged AR technology in their product launch campaigns:

AR Social Media Filters and Lenses: Social media platforms have become essential channels for brands to engage with their audience and build a community around their products. AR filters and lenses offer a fun and interactive way for brands to connect with users on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. By creating custom AR filters and lenses that showcase their new products in creative ways, brands can encourage users to share branded content, spark conversations, and generate buzz within their social networks. As brands continue to adapt to the digital landscape and seek innovative ways to engage with their audience, AR interactive campaigns have emerged as a powerful tool for driving online engagement and building brand awareness. By harnessing the immersive capabilities of AR technology, Rangoon.tech and Mekongverse are helping brands create memorable and interactive experiences that resonate with consumers, drive online conversations, and ultimately, drive business results.

Samsung ran online interactive AR Game campaign for their new phone launch, Samsung Galaxy A05.

AR Invitation Card: AR invitation cards represent a paradigm shift in the field of public relations, offering brands a powerful tool to captivate their audience, generate excitement, and drive attendance for events and product launches. By leveraging the immersive capabilities of AR technology, Rangoon.tech and Mekongverse are empowering brands to create memorable and impactful PR experiences that leave a lasting impression on recipients. Traditional invitation cards often lack the ability to convey the excitement and anticipation surrounding an upcoming event. AR invitation cards change the game by offering recipients a sneak peek into what they can expect at the event. By scanning the invitation with their smartphones, recipients can unlock exclusive AR content such as event teasers, behind-the-scenes footage, and interactive previews, building anticipation and generating buzz before the event even begins.

Vivo sent AR Invitation card to KOLs for Vivo New Product Launch Event.

Interactive Brand Installations: Who says product launches have to be serious affairs? By gamifying the experience with AR, brands can inject an element of fun and excitement into their campaigns. From scavenger hunts to AR-powered games and contests, brands can incentivize consumer participation while showcasing their products in a creative and memorable manner. At brand activation events, brands often set up interactive installations and experiential zones to engage with attendees and showcase their products or services. By integrating AR gamification elements into these installations, brands can create immersive experiences that capture the attention of attendees and encourage them to interact with the brand in a meaningful way. Whether it’s a digital scavenger hunt, an AR-powered photo booth, or a virtual reality game, brands can use AR gamification to create memorable moments that drive brand awareness and foster brand loyalty.

Samsung integrated AR Game Installations at their new product launch event.

Interactive Product Demonstrations: For tech companies launching new gadgets or devices, traditional product demonstrations can sometimes fall short in conveying the full potential of the product. With AR, brands can offer immersive and interactive demonstrations that allow consumers to explore the product’s features in a fun and engaging way. From dissecting the inner workings of a smartphone to visualizing how a smart home device integrates into daily life, AR enhances the product discovery process like never beforeC

Car Brands can use 3D Car Configurator website.

Conclusion: Embrace the Future of Marketing with AR

As brands continue to seek innovative ways to connect with consumers, the integration of AR technology into product launch campaigns emerges as a game-changer. Rangoon.tech and Mekongverse are at the forefront of this revolution, empowering brands to unleash the full potential of AR in their marketing strategies.

By harnessing the power of AR, brands can create unforgettable experiences that resonate with audiences, drive engagement, and ultimately, propel their products to success in the market. As we look to the future of marketing, one thing is clear: AR is not just a novelty but a transformative tool that will shape the way brands interact with their customers for years to come.

The Power of Engagement: Elevate Your Digital Marketing with These 5 Strategies

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, reaching your target audience is just the beginning. To truly stand out and drive meaningful results, you need to captivate your audience’s attention and engage them in compelling ways. At Rangoon.tech, we understand the importance of fostering meaningful connections with your audience throughout their journey, from initial awareness to eventual conversion and beyond. That’s why we’ve curated a list of five powerful engagement strategies to help you elevate your digital marketing game and unlock the full potential of your brand.

Why Audience Engagement Matters

Before diving into the strategies, let’s first explore why audience engagement is crucial for success in digital marketing. Engaging your audience goes beyond mere visibility; it’s about building meaningful relationships, fostering brand loyalty, and driving long-term growth. By actively engaging with your audience, you can:

  • Build Trust and Credibility: Engaging content and interactions demonstrate your expertise, authenticity, and commitment to providing value, fostering trust and credibility among your audience.
  • Building Relationships: Engagement-focused campaigns allow brands to establish and strengthen relationships with potential customers. By encouraging interaction and participation, brands can create memorable experiences that resonate with their audience, fostering a sense of connection and affinity.
  • Foster Brand Loyalty: Meaningful engagement creates a sense of connection and affinity with your brand, leading to repeat purchases, referrals, and advocacy from loyal customers.
  • Drive Conversions and Sales: Engaged audiences are more likely to convert into customers and make purchases, resulting in increased revenue and profitability for your business.
  • Amplify Brand Visibility and Reach: Engaging content is more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on, expanding your brand’s reach and attracting new audiences.
  • Gain Valuable Insights: Two-way communication allows you to listen to your audience’s feedback, preferences, and pain points, providing valuable insights to inform your marketing strategy and product development.

Now, let’s delve into the five powerful engagement strategies that can help you achieve these goals:

1. Entertaining Content (Hub Content)

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, capturing and retaining your audience’s attention is paramount. While informative and educational content certainly has its place, entertainment can be a powerful tool for engaging your audience and fostering memorable connections with your brand. Entertaining content marketing, often referred to as “hub content,” is all about creating content that delights, engages, and resonates with your audience on a personal level. From humorous videos and captivating stories to interactive experiences and playful challenges, entertaining content has the potential to leave a lasting impression and cultivate a loyal following.

Example: Blendtec’s “Will It Blend?” video series:
Blendtec, a manufacturer of high-powered blenders, created a series of entertaining videos showcasing the blending capabilities of their products. In each video, the founder, Tom Dickson, demonstrates blending various objects, including iPhones, golf balls, and even a rake handle. The videos went viral, attracting millions of views and sparking conversations online. Blendtec effectively engaged their audience by delivering entertaining content that highlighted the unique features and durability of their blenders.

2. PR

Partnering with key opinion leaders (KOLs) and influencers can amplify your brand’s message and reach a wider audience. By collaborating with influencers who align with your brand values and have a strong following among your target demographic, you can leverage their credibility and influence to showcase the benefits of your products or services authentically.

Example: Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign
Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign is a prime example of PR done right. The campaign aimed to challenge beauty standards and celebrate diversity by featuring real women of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds in their advertising. Dove partnered with influential figures in the body positivity movement, such as activists, influencers, and celebrities, to spread their message of self-acceptance and empowerment.
Through strategic PR efforts, including media interviews, press releases, and social media activations, Dove effectively engaged their audience and sparked conversations around beauty standards and self-esteem.

3. Special Interest Events

Hosting special interest events tailored to your audience’s passions and interests is a powerful way to bring your brand to life and create memorable experiences. Whether it’s a workshop, seminar, or networking event, providing value and fostering connections can help strengthen relationships and build a community around your brand.

Example: Google’s Tilt Brush Art Exhibition
Google hosted a special event showcasing artwork created using Tilt Brush, a virtual reality painting application. The event brought together artists, creators, and VR enthusiasts to explore immersive art experiences and engage with the Tilt Brush community, fostering connections and inspiring creativity.

4. Brand Activation Events

Brand activation events offer immersive experiences that allow your audience to interact with your brand in memorable ways. From pop-up shops and product demos to virtual reality experiences and live performances, create memorable brand moments that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Example: Volvo’s XC90 VR Test Drive
Volvo created a virtual reality test drive experience for their XC90 SUV, allowing potential customers to explore the vehicle’s features and capabilities in a virtual environment. By providing an immersive and interactive experience, Volvo engaged their audience and generated excitement for their latest model.

5. Contests and Gamification

Contests and gamification tap into the innate human desire for achievement and reward, incentivizing participation and driving engagement. Whether it’s a social media contest, sweepstakes, or gamified loyalty program, rewarding engagement can keep your audience actively involved and invested in your brand.

Example: Coca-Cola’s AR Can Hunt
Coca-Cola launched an augmented reality scavenger hunt, where users could use their smartphones to hunt for virtual Coca-Cola cans hidden in real-world locations. Participants were rewarded with prizes and discounts for finding and scanning the AR cans, driving engagement and brand interaction.

Here are some engagement campaign ideas and examples across various platforms:

User-Generated Content (UGC) Campaigns:

Idea: Encourage your audience to create and share content related to your brand or product.
Example: Starbucks’ #WhiteCupContest encouraged customers to decorate their white Starbucks cups and share them on social media. The campaign generated thousands of user-created designs and increased brand engagement.

Interactive Quizzes and Polls:

Idea: Create quizzes or polls related to your industry, products, or brand values to encourage audience participation.
Example: National Geographic created a quiz titled “What Kind of Traveler Are You?” to engage its audience and promote its travel content. Users were encouraged to share their results on social media, driving further engagement.

Social Media Challenges:

Idea: Launch a challenge on social media platforms that encourages users to participate and share their experiences.
Example: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge went viral on social media, with participants dumping buckets of ice water over their heads to raise awareness and funds for ALS research. The challenge garnered widespread participation and engagement.

Contests and Giveaways:

Idea: Host contests or giveaways where participants can win prizes by engaging with your brand.
Example: Airbnb’s “Night At” campaign allowed winners to stay in unique accommodations around the world, such as underwater bedrooms or floating houses. Participants entered the contest by sharing why they wanted to stay in the chosen location, generating buzz and engagement.

Live Events and Webinars:

Idea: Host live events or webinars where audience members can interact with experts or influencers in real-time.
Example: HubSpot hosts regular webinars on marketing, sales, and customer service topics, allowing participants to ask questions and engage with industry experts during the live sessions.

Interactive Content Experiences:

Idea: Create interactive content experiences such as quizzes, assessments, or interactive videos that engage users and provide personalized experiences.
Example: The New York Times’ “You Draw It” interactive feature allowed readers to draw their own conclusions about data trends by interacting with visualizations. This engagement-driven approach increased user interaction and understanding of complex topics.

In conclusion, audience engagement is the secret ingredient that can take your digital marketing efforts from good to great. By implementing these five powerful strategies, you can elevate your brand’s presence, deepen connections with your audience, and drive meaningful results that impact your bottom line. At rangoon.tech, we’re here to help you unlock the full potential of engagement in your digital marketing strategy. Let’s connect and build something amazing together!

3 Steps to run AR Marketing Campaign

As social AR filters are popular day by day, users are more friendly with AR technology. Marketers can consider AR to run innovative campaigns cost-effectively. However, If you don’t know about such technology, you may be awkward. We are here to help you run such an innovative campaign with the following simple steps.

1. Setting a goal for your AR for the marketing campaign

You can refer to the marketing or digital marketing funnel like awareness, reach > Consideration, Engagement > Conversion, Activate.

For Awareness or Reach Stage, AR Ads are the best use case. You can also create a trending filter that is associated with seasonal events, festivals, etc. This is because this trending filter will appear on social media reels and more reel creators may use such trend filters.

For Consideration or Engagement Stage, Gamification or contest campaign can be run with AR Filter and AR Game. Marketers can build customer relationships and increase brand recall with such engagement campaigns. Social Media noise can be also generated with the photo or video contests on social media.

For Sales Conversions or Activation Stage, Brands can run buyer-only AR contests. To enjoy the AR experience and participate in the AR contest, customers need to buy the product which includes QR code that redirects to AR. With the Target tracking feature, users can scan the product packaging to activate AR experience and take part in the campaign to win something.

You can also read AR Marketing through Marketing Funnel via this blog.

2. Choosing the right AR platform to host your campaign

The AR platform you choose will likely depend on your campaign’s objective. Once you have your goal in mind, you can decide what effect will work best to achieve it. From there, you can narrow down which platforms offer that effect.

Alternatively, you may want to choose a platform first and then figure out which of them provides effects that suit your needs.

Below, we outline the most common AR platforms and offer insights into which effects are available, with some helpful details to keep in mind about each.

Snapchat (or) Viber Lens

Though Snapchat has been around since 2012, its user base is relatively young — 57% of Snapchat users in the UK are under 25 years old.

When Gucci chose Snapchat to showcase their new products via AR, they may have been swayed by the platform’s demographic. It’s well known that young users shop more impulsively than older consumers.

Another advantage of Snapchat is that it offers multiple ways to interact with your audience. For example, brands can generate AR lenses that can be accessed through a Snapcode or promoted to appear on users’ carousel of filters. It’s a fun way to engage with users and get discovered by new ones.

In terms of AR effects, Snapchat offers face and world effects, virtual try-ons, product visualisation, mini-games and image trackers.


Having been launched in 2010, Instagram has the dual benefit of being both popular and well-established. It also crosses all audience demographics.

The platform’s popular Stories feature allows users to incorporate filters in pictures or videos and share them with friends and followers.

If your brand already has a wide following on Instagram or has the opportunity to partner with an influencer, leveraging AR promotions through Instagram is great for generating word of mouth and increasing user engagement.

In terms of AR effects, Instagram offers face and world effects, virtual try-ons, product visualisation, mini-games and image trackers.


Facebook is the original social media platform. Not only do most people have a Facebook account, but it’s actually one of the most used social platforms out there. The Facebook app also comes pre-installed on many phones and can be an excellent way to reach older users.

Today, the fastest-growing user demographic for Facebook is people aged 65 or older. Facebook also has a broader user base outside traditional western markets, and most of its users are located in Asian countries.

Like Instagram, Facebook also has a Stories feature where users can view, capture, and share your effects.

Facebook offers the same AR features as Instagram does.


TikTok is wildly popular with the younger demographic. The platform is favoured by teens who lip-sync to trending audio clips, perform snippets of choreography, or talk in front of a green screen effect.

For AR advertising campaigns, TikTok enables brands to publish face filters that users can view, capture, and share.

At the moment, TikTok’s AR offerings are limited to the face filter effect. However, the fast-growing popularity of TikTok makes it an excellent platform to raise brand awareness among Gen-Z audiences.


WebAR is the most accessible AR platform for consumers. That’s because it doesn’t require any apps — only a web browser, where your audience can interact with your chosen effect.

The platform is especially useful for online shopping and physically activated effects. Keep In mind that AR used to compliment a shopping experience, whether online or in-store, has been proven to enhance consumer satisfaction and sales.

WebAR’s effects include world effects, virtual try-ons, product visualisation, mini-games, and image trackers.

3. Deciding on AR effects for your campaign

For this step, you can read this blog.

After reading this 3 steps comfortably, we hope you will be convinced that AR can be used in Marketing Field and have some ideas for your next innovative AR Marketing Campaign.